An honest experience of cat ownership & rehoming
Read an honest experience of cat ownership and rehoming, sent in by a user that wanted to remain anonymous…
“I have always loved cats and flourished from growing up around them so it was natural for me to want my own when I lived independently. I had no idea how to find a reputable and ethical breeder but I knew that both those values were important to me so I meticulously searched the Internet for the right supplier. I came across someone who was a good fit and would be able to advise me, provide me with the right cats and answer any questions I might have.
I took my beautiful kittens home and spent the next few weeks toilet training them and ensuring they had all the correct vaccinations and care they needed but this was all self taught from various books, vet advice and Internet searches. I would have really benefited from much more preparatory input from the breeder and, honestly speaking, a more rigorous vetting process in the first place because it soon became apparent that the kittens were not in the right environment for them to thrive.
For health reasons, I ended up calling Battersea Cats Home for advice and, after a really helpful discussion, I reluctantly concluded that the cats would be better off being re-homed. Battersea kindly offered to take them in for me and rehouse them both with someone in a larger premise with an outside garden for them to enjoy. I was heartbroken giving them up but knew it was best for the cats which was always my primary consideration, quite rightly.
I admit now that I was ignorant and did not realise what I was taking on but I’m happy to say that they’re both now thriving with their new family and enjoying life to the full. I can’t help thinking that I should’ve asked more questions, been made better aware of the cats’ needs before buying and been subject to a more vigorous vetting process to avoid the inevitable upset that the rehoming exercise caused. If I were to buy an animal in the future, I’d definitely use Find Your Paws to ensure I source the correct breeder for me, my home and, most importantly, my pet!”
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